Twelve Archetypes, One Destiny

What is Destiny? It is said that Destiny is a Destination, a Place or a State, to which we have started since our Birth, to move inexorably. It is also said that all the moments of our Life take place under the Sign of Destiny, that everything bears the Imprint of our Destiny. Is it true that the whole course of our lives is marked and coordinated by a kind of software written before we were born? I don't think so.

Throughout the Life of each of us, that amount of Pleasant or Unpleasant Events, which is created and permanently run by that supposed software called Destiny, a program from which we can not get rid in any way, is just a dogma that has been slipped into our Mind, with a precise purpose. To say that everything that happens in your Life is due to your Destiny is a form of slavery, chaining Thought into a false system of values.

The idea of ​​Destiny contradicts the Principles of the Being of the Universe, the Principles of the Being of the Surrounding Nature, the Principles of Life. Each of us is born with the same Infinite Potential of Evolution in our Interior. Each of us has the Full Freedom to Choose the way we want to live our lives if we wish to relate to everything that is and manifests itself inside and outside. Each of us has Full Freedom and Inner Power to capitalize on our Inner Potential. We are equal and free in everything we want to manifest.

We are equal and free in everything we choose. We can choose to expand our Knowledge and Understanding and thus evolve to the Highest Steps of Being and Consciousness, or we can let ourselves be carried away by the waves of a tumultuous Life and simply live without ever worrying about anything. It is only about our Choices that produce Effects, not something predestined, what we usually call Destiny.

The Concept of Destiny is a Concept with which you can apologize for any kind of failure of yours, for any type of failure of your Life, for the non-fulfillment of your Dream, for any unpleasant moment that happens in your Life. You say, “This is what the Gods wanted! This is my destiny! ” and that's it; you consider that you have not contributed in any way to all the inconveniences that you have experienced and are experiencing or that you have caused and are provoking around you. Fake! The gods have nothing to do with the choices you have made. You are the Cause of your Life. Only You, no one else! Your Life is just an effect of what you have chosen. In vain, do you try to hide behind the Will of the Gods or a supposed Destiny.

The Gods and Goddesses will not even look at you until you take responsibility and understand that you, only you are responsible for everything that happens in your Life. The choices you have made, and perhaps still make, have produced and are producing Effects in your Life. Do you understand? If your answer is YES, then you have Life in your own hands and act in Full Harmony with the Universal Laws of Being! You will immediately feel the effects of this Natural Choice.

The Universal Principle of Causality is fully manifested in the Life of each of us. We create Causes and produce Effects through each of our Choices. This Universal Principle of Causes and Effects acts with mathematical precision. Someone used to say these Words of Use:

The more intensely and deeply I give myself to the Principles of the Universe, to the Principles of Nature, to the Principles of Life, the more Health, Vitality, Longevity, Abundance, Joy, Ecstasy, Happiness and LOVE attract and live in my Life. Prosperity is the sum of all these Natural Coordinates of Life. ”

Follow these Words of Use, and the Course of your Life will be inscribed on a Path that will open wider and wider to you every day of your Life.

Author: Paul Buică


YouTube Video HERE:

Twelve Archetypes, One Destiny

 ►  Author and Narrator: Paul Buică,
    a Successful Writer, Mentor, and Life Style Creator
