Your destiny is Your Choice! Under normal circumstances, the Future is predictable only if you can determine the Effects that Your Choices will produce in your Life with great precision. Every Choice you make will have Effects, and there are no exceptions. Each of your Choices is the Cause of some Effects you will experience. Each of your Choices generates situations that you will go through. Every Thought of yours, every Word of yours, every Action of yours, will produce Effects.
There is nothing mystical or esoteric in what I have said. It is just a Principle of Nature. A Principle of the Universe. It is about the Principle of Causality or, in other words, the Principle of Cause and Effect. Each Effect has a Cause, and the effects do not occur at random but follow a predictable and predictable Manifestation curve.
We all know that if we put our hands in the fire, we burn and destroy our tissues. We all know that if we over-stress our Bodies and Mind, we can become seriously ill. We all know that if we cross the street at the red light, we can be seriously injured or die. We all know that if we hurt someone, we will spend a lot of time in detention. Can we extrapolate this understanding to everything we think and everything we say?
Of course, we can. Each of us can. If your mental processes, your Thought, will be marked by hatred, envy, disrespect, violence, this marking of your thoughts will affect yourself. If you waste time in useless discussions, you will waste time in your Life that you will never be able to return to. If you act under the rule of anger, hatred, greed, and fear, you will generate difficult or impossible effects to manage later.
By leaving your Life to the Will of your Mind, you will permanently generate unpleasant Effects, both for yourself and those around you. All the Effects you will produce in your Life by leaving your Mind in its Will, are predictable. Remember that Predictability is a Science, a Branch of Mathematics. A complex science. You can control what you call Destiny because nothing is genuinely predestined. There are only predispositions that have their Causes in early childhood. Everything in your Life happens in Full Accord with the Universal Principle of Causality, Cause, and Effect.
Author: Paul Buică
YouTube Video HERE:
Predictability of the Future (Part 1) |
► Author and Narrator: Paul Buică,
a Successful Writer, Mentor, and Life Style Creator
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