There was a Land of the Gods in Abyssal Antiquity. It said that it still exists today. It said that it could only be seen by the Chosen Ones, by those like the Gods. What is the Truth? What does it mean to be a Chosen One of the Gods? What does it mean to be like the Gods? Who are those Gods? Where did they come from? Where is their Land? Is it in the Seen, in the Unseen, or is it in both the Seen and the Unseen and can only be seen and known if ...? Only when we are like them? Only when each of us will be like a God or as a Goddess?
Valhalla, the Land of the Gods, can be the entire Mother Planet, Earth. It can only be a Mythical Land somewhere, in a place we don't even think about it. It may be a place on the planet where people lived thousands of years ago, like the Gods. How do the Gods live? We have a lot of questions and no answers. We have formulated a lot of hypotheses over time. We have orally transmitted many fairy tales and fabulous stories about the Powers of the Gods of Abyssal Antiquity to modern humankind. We have created a vast number of myths, but we have no certainty.
However, we feel in our Interior that that Land of the Gods exists, that the Gods lived, and that they still exist. We feel that they have not left and that they will never leave Planet Earth. We feel that they exist in the Seen and the Unseen among us. We feel that they guide us from the Invisible and keep the Balance of Being on the entire Mother Planet. We feel that all the Answers are in us, in our Interior, in our Heart, that the Answers to all our questions have always existed in ourselves, only that we have forgotten how to find them, how to understand them, and how to use them to evolve to be like the Gods.
Examine your Interior, listen to the Whispers of your Heart, and you will know the Truth in the Direct Way. Choose the Way of expanding Knowledge and Being in Harmony with the Principles of the Universe, the Principles of the Surrounding Nature, and the Principles of Life! Free yourself from everything that is not in Perfect Harmony with these Universal Principles, and you will discover that you are, in fact, like the Gods, that you are a Chosen One, as we all are. You will understand that you are a Chosen One because you have chosen to permanently enrich your Knowledge and Understanding, walk on the Path of Truth and Being in Truth, and ascend the Divine Steps of Wisdom to the Step of Eternity and then higher and higher. The scale of Evolution is endless.
You will discover that the Divine Seed of Being is in each of us and that it is enough to choose to expand our Knowledge and Understanding for that Seed to germinate. To make root. To transform into a Sprout of Light and grow into a Tree of Wisdom that will flourish and spread its Divine Perfume on the entire Mother Planet, Earth. The fruits of that Tree will be Divine Food for all the Children of the Earth, without exception. They will be Golden Apples, Apples carrying Knowledge and Wisdom.
Knowledge is the Code by which we can access the Wisdom of the Gods, and we can acquire the Eternal Being. The realm of the Gods, Valhalla, is the Mother Planet, Earth, liberated from all the Unnatural created by the Minds disturbed by the destructive feelings and actions of some monstrous Compositions with an appearance similar to the Human Species. Free your Mind from all that is not in Harmony with the Universal Principles of Being in LOVE!
Live the Divine Greatness in your Heart! Be a Chosen One of Valhalla! Be a God or a Goddess of the Infinite Realm of LOVE!
Author:Paul Buică
YouTube Video HERE:
The Valhalla Code, The Land of the Gods |
► Author and Narrator: Paul Buică, a Successful Writer, Mentor, and Life Style Creator
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