Your Soul is the Garment of your Being. Your Soul is Spirit and Matter alike. Your Soul is the Invisible Composition; it is the Way through which the Being communicates directly with your Mind. This Direct, Permanent, Vertical Communication is commonly called Intuition. You, the Being, dwell in the Altar of the Eternal Temple in your Heart. In the Heart of your Body.
Your Soul is the first Garment of your Being, and the High Frequency of its Vibration makes it Intangible to any external stimuli, like Being. You believe that your Soul is in the State of Vulnerability, that can touch it, and that it suffers, but it is not the Soul that suffers when someone tries to hurt you, but your Mind. The Soul does not know to suffer, but your Mind is often filled with suffering, anxiety, fear, all kinds of discontent, revolt, hatred, desire for revenge, and many other unnatural states and feelings.
All unnatural feelings are born in your Mind because of stupid dogmas, false value systems, harmful habits and pride, thoughts that disturb your Inner Peace of Mind. Your Soul knows none of this, and it cannot be touched by anything unnatural in your Mind. Your Soul is the Way to your Heart.
Your Thinking is a horizontal process. You receive Information around you through various communication channels, analyze it according to the Knowledge and Understanding you have at a given time and express thoughts that you pass on, voluntarily or involuntarily. This is how this Thinking of your Mind process was formed and developed from the first years of school. Your teachers have acquired Knowledge that they have passed on to you in class, and the school carries out a horizontal process of enriching Knowledge.
Intuition is a vertical process that is constantly active. In the face of every Choice you are about to make, the Being in your Heart sends you an Impulse on the Way of your Soul. Your Soul turns that Impulse into Information that the Mind can express in Thoughts of Words and Images. This vertical process is called Intuition.
In the face of every Choice you are about to make, the Being shows you the Path of the Soul through Intuition, which is the best Path to follow for you. Immediately, after your Mind receives this Impulse translated by your Soul into Words and Images, it, in turn, emits a Path which it has chosen according to its dogmas, value systems, habits, feelings as well as with the other programs with which it has been methodically loaded and with which it works permanently.
Always choose what you received from the Being in your Heart on the Way of your Soul! That Choice is in Full Agreement with the Principles of the Universe, the Principles of the Surrounding Nature, and the Principles of Life!
At first, it may be difficult for you to detect the Thought that came from your Heart on the Path of your Soul, from the Thought that came from your Mind. The method of knowing the Thought coming on the Path of the Soul is based on a Truth known by all those who have chosen Being in Harmony with the Surrounding Nature. The Thought transmitted by the Being in your Heart reaches your Mind in real-time, that is, the moment shared it. Your Being does not need time to process Information because what it communicates to you is always in Full Harmony with the Principles of the Universe, Surrounding Nature, and Life. For the Being in your Heart, Time does not even exist because it, the Being, is Eternal.
But your Mind needs time to process the Information. The Mind analyzes the Choice you are going to make from many points of view and makes it with great speed, but it cannot do it in real-time because it does not operate through the prism of the Universal Principles but through the prism dogmas, value systems, the feelings and the other programs loaded with it. This information processing takes from a few milliseconds to days, sometimes.
So, when you need to Choos, pay attention to the first Thought that comes to your Mind. That Thought is the Guidance of your Heart. Follow him with Confidence, with the Certainty that you have chosen in Harmony with the Universal Principles of Life! After a while of practice, you will notice that between the first Thought, the one transmitted by your Soul, and the second Thought, the one composed by your Mind, there is a space that they never come simultaneously.
The horizontal line of Thought and the vertical line of Intuition intersect. In the area of intersection, an Invisible Sphere of your Soul is formed, through which the Mind listens to the Whispers of your Heart when it is guided to follow the Path of the Soul and become One with the Being in your Heart... To become One with you, The Being. This Transcendence of the Mind is called Enlightenment.
Author: Paul Buică
YouTube Video HERE:
The Unseen Sphere of the Soul (Part 1) |
The Unseen Sphere of the Soul (Part 2) |
► Author and Narrator: Paul Buică,
a Successful Writer, Mentor, and Life Style Creator
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