The Life Matrix Bio-Energy Code

Everything is Manifest Divine Intention. Everything is Information organized in Algorithms-Cause of the Manifestation. Everything is Energy generated by the Divine LOVE. Everything is Energy caused by the Divine Intention. Everything is Algorithmic Energy on Infinite Levels of Condensation. The Seen and the Unseen are One. Manifested and non-Manifested are One. Knowledge and Wisdom are One. Beings and the Divine are One.

The universe is Spiritual and Mathematical alike, and the universe is Intention Manifested by the Algorithms of Being. Each Being appeared as the Effect of the Manifestation of the Individual Matrix in the Ocean of Energy of the Divine Consciousness. Each Individual Matrix is ​​found in the Divine Matrix of the Species to which it belongs. Thus, the whale will always be born, whale cubs, swallow chicks will always come out of the swallow's eggs, people will always be born from people.

The Matrix of each Species or the Matrix Bio-Energy Code of each Species will evolve. It will adapt to the specific conditions of the Environment, Ecosystem, or Micro-Ecosystem in which it lives. The Food of each Species and its level of Abundance will influence the Evolution of each Species positively or negatively. When the Food of a Species is poor in Nutrients, the next generations become weaker, reduce their size, are more vulnerable to diseases and External Environmental Factors.

The Environmental Conditions in which each generation of a Species lives generate logical changes in the Matrix of the respective Species. With each generation, these modifications of the Matrix Bio-Energy Code are cumulated and fixed in the Matrix Structures of the individual Species. There are severe changes in the shape, physiology, and behavior of that species. Look at the flocks of seagulls near cities and towns! Due to the declining species and the number of fish near the coasts, some seagulls have migrated inland. They have discovered the landfills of the big cities, and they feed on everything that people throw away.

You can see that these seagulls are smaller than those left on the shores of the seas and oceans. They still have an active fishing instinct, and sometimes you see them catching small fish from the rivers that cross the cities. Their way of fishing is almost no different from how their brothers live on the shores of the seas and oceans fish. They have adapted to life in the city, and over time they will turn into another species of bird that will certainly no longer be called a seagull. Their Bio-Energy Matrix Code has already undergone significant changes.

The same thing happens with the Human Species. Food processed industrially with the addition of chemicals more than unnecessary to the human body produce severe changes in behavior, thinking, attitudes, physical abilities, natural physiological processes, and physical appearance. Due to the industrially processed food and due to the stupid dogmas, due to the false and unnatural value systems, due to some artificially created habits, due to all these aspects and a type of relationship that is not in Perfect Harmony with the Universal Principles of Life, Bio-Energetic Matrix Code of the Human Species is in an accelerated process of change.

This change in the Structure of the Initial Matrix of the Human Species will accelerate the changes at the individual and social level and lead the Species to extinction. No one wants the extinction of the Human Species, and we all want to live in a world of Joy, Prosperity, and LOVE. To live in such a world, each of us must turn our gaze to his Interior. Everyone must operate in their own Interior all the necessary changes in behavior, habits, and thinking. It is essential to free oneself from everything that manifests unnatural in its Interior and to choose to permanently expand its Knowledge and Understanding of the Principles of Life, the Principles of the Surrounding Nature, the Principles of the Universe. It is necessary to live in Full Agreement with these Universal Principles of Being.

Each of us can do this fine-tuning operation in his Bio-Energy Matrix Code. Each of us can restore his Matrix to its Initial Form, to its Divine Form and Structure.

Author: Paul Buică


YouTube Video HERE:

The Life Matrix Bio-Energy Code

 ►  Author and Narrator: Paul Buică,
    a Successful Writer, Mentor, and Life Style Creator
