The more our Knowledge increases, the more firmly we will make for ourselves the choices in Full Harmony with the Laws of Nature, the Laws of Life, and the Laws of the One-Verse. Longevity, our Attitude, and Life in Harmony with the Surrounding Nature will feed on the Light of Being, the Infinite Inner Power, of Realization. Detachment from all that is not like Being will be the Living Water of our Inner Power. In the beginning, when we take the first steps on the Path of activating and capitalizing on the Infinite Potential existing within us, on the Path of Expanding Knowledge and Self-Knowledge, on the Path of Experiencing Detachment, when we lovingly set our minds in listening to Being and begin to make choices only by The Power of Intuition, it sometimes seems impossible to know and activate our Infinite Power of Realization. We do not know that by stepping on the Path, we have already begun to understand and activate our inner Power. We still don't know what Giant started to wake up in us. Doubt is natural until we step firmly on the stage of Trust until we have chosen to step on the Path of Wisdom because we find it difficult to detach ourselves from the concepts, dogmas, and value systems with and through which we have lived until recently. When we ascend the stage of Trust, all doubts disappear, and we are ready to step on the stage of Certainty. Our Trust has evolved into Certainty, and from that moment, we can do whatever we choose to do, in entire agreement,
with the Laws of Nature, of Life, and the Universe. Once we reach this stage of Certainty, we understand more of the Gift we received from the Sages of Abyssal Antiquity, we know more of the Way they have given us, and we feel more of their Love. As we walk higher and higher on our Path, we will know and understand more and more of the Guidelines of the Sages. The first Guidance, the first Word of Use that they gave us, was and is named Discretion. In other words, it is for our benefit and the benefit of others not to brag to those around us about what we have discovered inside us, what we have understood, what we want to accomplish because each of us is in this moment on his specific individual step and we can awaken in the minds of others inappropriate feelings, feelings of envy, competition, sometimes even hatred. Many people are captive in concepts, dogmas, and value systems diametrically opposed to the Path we have chosen, and polemics, verbal and physical violence have never been suitable for anyone. Boasting of our inner and physical accomplishments, we self-sabotage our Great Deeds because the negative feelings of some may overshadow, for a time, our Dreams. It is easy to understand that everyone consciously or by unknown induction follows a Path and that no one can claim to have the Absolute Truth. Respect for the other's opinion is the most helpful Way. Respecting the opinions of others is proof that we have detached ourselves from the spirit of competition. But we can share everything we have understood with Love, to all those willing to receive what each of us has learned, from the Gifts of the Sages of Abyssal Antiquity.
Author: Paul Buică
YouTube Video HERE:
► Author and Narrator: Paul Buică,
a Successful Writer, Mentor, and Life Style Creator
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