The Inner Discipline (Part 1)

As he guided me in learning the techniques of the Oriental Arts, Sensei gave me many Words of Use. More than forty years have passed since then, and his words continue to reverberate in my being with even more power than at the moment of their utterance. His voice clothed every word in the joy of giving, in fulfilling the sharing of a Knowledge hundreds of thousands of years old: 

“You will lose everything you do not give, you will be the prisoner of all those you do not detach from, and you will be crushed by your hatred for everything that you don't love. ”

Each of his words opened the gates of a universe that was utterly unknown to me. Sometimes I didn't understand, and I felt that Sensei knew I didn't understand. He guided me with Love to sit down and allow Meditation to envelop me, free me from the storms of the mind, and rise in the Peace of my Heart. He guided me to place my mind in Obedience to the Heart. He gave me a Path that I chose to follow, the Path of Inner Discipline.

Sensei gave me much more than a Path to follow; he gave me a series of methods by which much later, I managed to listen to the Whispers of the Surrounding Nature, to listen to and understand the Whispers of the Forest, the Whispers of Beings, the Whispers of the Mountains, of the Waters and the Wind. He guided me to cultivate my Attention and permanently focus on understanding the Manifest Harmony between the Principle of Dynamic Change and the Universal Order of Being. This Alert Attention Attitude generates and potentiates Conscious Achievements using the Infinite Energy of the Aether. 

"To know and to be able to keep in this moment and any circumstance this Attitude, it works permanently with you until you realize the Unity between the Vital Energy, Mind, and Body."

This is how he gave me in words with meaning, the one who guided me directly for more than ten years and in spirit, my whole life.

One day, after a grueling workout for me at the time, Sensei gave me this saying: 

“Faith, Trust, and Certainty or total trust in the infinite power of your being are the keys to Great Achievements. You can flirt with the belief that you can accomplish anything, but you will never accomplish anything truly great if you don't start moving in the direction of accomplishment. Then, gradually, if you choose to fulfill your Dream, your faith will turn into trust, and you will begin to move in the direction of accomplishment. You will start thinking about a great project and drawing it. While working on your great Project, you will feed within yourself the seed of certainty, and from the moment that seed will germinate, you will become aware of your true infinite inner power and the fact that you will carry out that Project. The certainty within you will open the Gates of Infinite Powers to you. ”

The story of those who commit is always different from those who tell and listen to the stories of others, of those who waste their time in nothing useless to their evolution. The difference is made by Discipline, the self-discipline of life. This Path of self-discipline has nothing unnatural in it. It is not a self-imposition of a way of life. If so, then it would be a self-aggression that will not only never bring about the fulfillment of a dream but will lead to a state of chronic fatigue, a state of the accelerated loss of Life Energy. Self-discipline is natural and brings us huge benefits and energy boosts that we can't even quantify, only when the impetus comes from our hearts, not our minds. Forced self-discipline, which arises from our mind's values not yet in the Obedience of our Heart, follows, sabotages any energy of accomplishment. The first step on the Path of self-discipline is the loving placement of the mind in the Obedience of the Heart. In this way, we permanently eliminate any kind of self-aggression that our minds can give birth to. Our hearts do not know imposition, coercion, the aggression of any kind because our hearts are just Love, nothing else, just Love. Listening to the messages of our Hearts and understanding them is called Intuition. The purpose of the mind is to follow them strictly, not judge and deny them through thousands of arguments springing from the unnatural values ​​it has been loaded with over time. The purpose of the mind is to put into practice, to accomplish through its logical power of organization. The mind is a helpful computer. Only that.

Author: Paul Buică

Will be continued...


YouTube Video HERE:


The Inner Discipline  (Part 1)

 ►  Author and Narrator: Paul Buică,
    a Successful Writer, Mentor, and Life Style Creator
