The Bundle of Divine Frequencies

Each Being radiates around it a Bunch of Frequencies, depending on the external and internal stimulus that acts consciously and unconsciously on it. All Beings' frequencies interpenetrate like the circles of water generated by a handful of stones that we throw on the surface of a quiet lake. In this example, the lake represents the Infinite Consciousness.

We, therefore, receive in our Being Bundles of Frequencies, and we radiate Bundles of Frequencies. Usually, we are not paying attention to what we receive or what we emit, and everything happens by itself. When we begin to understand the Frequencies we emit, and attract similar Frequencies into our Lives, we become Attentive and begin to control our Feelings, Thoughts, Words, and Actions.

Naturally, we begin to tune the Frequencies we emit to the Frequencies of the Naturally Principles of Life, the Naturally Principles of the Surrounding Nature, and the Naturally Principles of the Universe. It is the same as when we tune a radio to the Broadcast Frequencies of the radio station to which we want to listen. We tune in very fine because we don't want to listen to our favorite shows with parasites.

The same thing happens when we give ourselves Frequencies that we emit to the Frequencies of the Surrounding Nature, of Life, and the Universe. We do not want to receive Emissions with parasites emitted by Minds that do not exist in Full Harmony with the Whole. To receive a correct and pure Signal, a Signal that our Mind can decode correctly and transform into Harmonious and Useful Sounds, into Words of Use and Wisdom, into Ascending Experiences in Harmony with the Whole, it is necessary for us to detach ourselves from all the distractions that now influence our Life.

These are false value systems, stupid dogmas, harmful habits, unnatural norms issued directly and subliminally by all sorts of manipulators of Minds lacking Knowledge and Wisdom. How can we eliminate all these parasitic signals that prevent us from listening to the Signal of the Infinite Divine Intelligent in Form and Manifestation? The Answer is simple and can be understood and applied by each of us. This Answer is the Choice of the Expansion of Knowledge and Understanding. It is the Individual Experimentation, the Individual Evolution, and the Activation of the Infinite Potential Existing in each of us.

This Attitude and Practice of each day will raise your Frequencies of Being on the Step on which any parasite will no longer have any Power of Interference with your Mind, with your Being. The frequencies of the Emotional-Informational-Energetic Parasitic Power of a Being cannot physically, mentally, or emotionally affect the Dynamic Being of the Being in Harmony with the Principles of Life, with the Principles of the Surrounding Nature, with the Principles of the Universe.

When we succumb to parasitic agents, we will always be emotionally, mentally, and implicitly hormonally. Our thinking will be affected, and implicitly our Choices will be affected. Our Vitality and implicitly the Health and Quality of Life as a whole will be affected. Leaving us prey to parasitic agents of all kinds, our Frequencies of Being will decrease, and our Longevity and Prosperity will be affected dramatically.

Choose Being in Full Harmony with the Principles of Life, the Principles of the Surrounding Nature, and the Principles of the Universe. Thus the Bundle of Frequencies on which you will radiate will be Bright, High, and Intangible.

Author: Paul Buică


YouTube Video HERE:

The Bundle of Divine Frequencies

 ►  Author and Narrator: Paul Buică,
      a Successful Writer, Mentor, and Life Style Creator
